Bethlehem United Methodist is committed to being the church in our community. On Sunday, April 19th our children participated in an event entitled “The Church Has Left the Building aka Kickball for Christ.” The children had a blast and really got the opportunity to fellowship in a whole different way than they were accustomed to. The weather was perfect and because the atmosphere was an atmosphere of love, I really don’t even think our young people knew that they were having “church.” We opened with a word of prayer and also ended with an encouraging word and prayer. In between those prayers were laughs, falls, kicks and plenty of food and snacks! Having church in the middle of a field between two soccer posts was a blast. It taught a principle to some and reminded others that we are the church and the church is wherever we are. Consequently on that day we were in a huge field at Freedom Intermediate having church with a red ball and a few hot dogs! By taking the Lord’s work out of the building and bringing it into our community Bethlehem showed us what the Ecclesia is all about. That truth is that the church has left the building, because we are the church!

Luke 10:41-42

“you are worried and upset about many things but only one thing is needed”